Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Red Bull Bull-eh

I was given a free can of Red Bull while waiting to be picked up at the foyer. I don't usually drink Red Bull but since it was free, I just couldnt resist it (greed kicks in). The salesgirls came in this adorable, cool and attractive little car which also bears the logo of the drink itself.
This car was neatly parked metres ahead of the principal's car. Although the principal's car looks bigger, more spacious and definitely more pricey, this car had successfully caught my eye due to its cute frame and and uniqueness.

It was smaller than the Viva I drive. I fancy it.

The side view of the car

As seen here, I had invited Teik Wei to take this photo with me with both of us holding the RED Bull can. Okay, from the way he looked, I will have to admit that I forced him instead of inviting him.

The power of Red Bull is really amazing as I had felt extremely energised the whole night. Instead of sleeping at my usual sleep time 11pm, I slept at 2.30am. Yeah, Red Bull memang Bull-leh!