Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Weather, exams

The weather has been pretty wild lately.

I'm glad that we don't have to wake up to red sky or experience dust storm just like what they had in Sydney. Melbourne is still very much, safe and sound. All we have to do is just to bear with the sudden changes in the weather. Though it's spring now, it feels like winter and the moment the wind blows against your face, it felt icy cold.

Hot or cold?

I don't even know. Sometimes, when it's too hot, I prefer it to get a lil bit colder. Now that it's cold, I wish it would turn a lil warmer. Never get enough of everything, huh? :P I actually have a reason to dislike winter, and also summer.

With winter, I get hungry easily. It's like my digestive system works extra hours during this season and I crave for food every few hours. The consistent walks to school doesn't help either, as what goes into my mouth far exceeds what I had burnt. That's the analysis I came out with after noticing just how much fat has been stored in my body since I came here during winter.

Then, talking about the summer..I've never personally experience any summer yet but there was one particular day during winter which felt extremely warm. Although it recorded only a temperature of 23 Celcius, it felt even warmer than Penang's 31 Celcius. It wasn't only hot, it was stuffy as well. Like we were all trapped inside a microwave oven or something.

I'm only good at coming out with bad and lousy reasons and I know that.

Anyway, I'm well informed that exam is in a month's time but I'm still lack of the motivation to prepare for any of the papers. My life has fallen into a routine now. Wake up in the morning, attend lectures/tutorials, read story books, prepare dinner, continue the story and then head straight to bed. The next day, I repeat the same routine without changing the sequence of the activities. Doesn't sound so good with exam knocking on the door.

I guess I'm getting a Bachelor of Facebook or major in procrastination.

Not a good sign, not a good sign.